Did a couple of other characters.
I'm planning on keeping the girl and the spidercat as the only characters in straight, unfiltered light. I plan on having the other creatures receding into the background with their values and possibly a couple of filters to help it along. I'll still be adding more reflections/shadows to help show the characters are weighted and that they exist together.
I'm gonna change the background color, too. I was just playing around. And I'm digging the red reflections in the fat mask monster's eyes. I love drawing characters with bug eyes and little pupils for some reason.
Did the pants/boots/finished up the girl/the other two characters in roughly 2 hours. So we're at 1 hour for the sketch, 1 hour for the inks, 1.5 hours for the start (without counting the practice), and another 2 hours for this. So 5.5 hours in all, and a long way to go.
Since you are a senior at MassArt I was wondering if you could enlighten me with your general feeling towards the school. I am thinking of xferring there to venture into a new aspect of design and have found the best way to learn about a college is through its students. Grats on Weekly Dig, and I wish you the best.
Hello there.
Basically MassArt is the best thing that ever happened to me. It was the only school I applied to, though I had a 3.7 GPA in high school. I had seen work from people who went there and fell in love with it. I'm active in my department and am an Illustration representative in student government, and I have good relationships with my teachers and the people around me - I never run out of people to go to when I'm stuck with something, and that's wonderful.
MassArt is a great school as long as you're willing to take criticism on your work knowing it will make you a better artist. You kind of get what you give. But either way, I love the place, and everyone there, and if you were planning on possibly transferring, I think you'd definitely enjoy it. Good luck!
And thanks again about the Dig!
I am definitely looking for a place where I can grow, rather than coast through, so your opinions are just what I was hoping to hear.
Thank you!
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