I bought another book today! It was $29.95 at the MFA bookstore. I want allll the art books in the world now. I think I'm going to start an Amazon wishlist or something. Do those even work?
Anyways, I bought Full Vinyl by Ivan Vartanian. It's basically amazing. It has soooo many of my favorite artists in it, such as Junko Mizuno, Dalek, and Tokidoki, focusing on vinyl toys and supergraphic artwork.
One of my dreams is to make vinyl toys one day (something I'm looking into). The other is to be in awesome, kickass anthologies with other hip and happening artists. I just need to find people who are motivate enough and who have enough time. It'll probably have to wait until I get out of school. But it'll be awesome!
Anyone know a good place I can find books on clowns? I've tried the MFA bookstore, Barnes & Noble, the MassArt library, and Borders. Nada. I suppose I should just check online, but I kinda need it for Monday. Any suggestions?
1 comment:
I'm in love with designer toys. To the point where I've impulse bought about 10 of them in the last year. :P I really wanna get I Am Plastic. (http://www.amazon.com/I-Am-Plastic-Designer-Explosion/dp/B000W0DFK0/ref=wl_it_dp?ie=UTF8&coliid=IE5RN35NDG7AZ&colid=1JTVV6QCHDYF1)
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