Hey there, sorry for the lack of updates. There was moving + weddings to be had, both of which were very enjoyable (especially the wedding).
I have a ton more original artwork up for sale on my etsy. Go check it out!
Along with that, I have a big cover piece out for the Boston Phoenix right now, which can be found in the inside section. Pick one up, and maybe I'll sign it for you.
Aside from that, I've been working on new concepts for new paintings (such as the character above) for a possible upcoming show or two. I'm going on a ghost/character/conceptual/cookie theme. Fewer clowns in this series, but with the same amount of excellence.
I'd also done a little drawing for the bride and groom (my friends Haley and Corey Norman) for the reception, but I didn't get a picture of it - maybe it will resurface on this page one day.
Thanks for looking!
Congrats! Nice work!
Thanks a lot!
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