EDIT: Mister Roosh bought my Demon painting!! Yay!
This is a small painting (about 4" x 10") I did last night in gouache. It was nice to paint at home, which is often impossible because of my mischievous cat, Momo. It was also nice to make something silly and fun and colorful that's outside of my other work. I hope you like it. The photo didn't make him as neon as I'd like, but in person it RULES.
Also, I've listed him on etsy! His name is Pinky the Pink Demon. He wants you to give him a home!
Check him out!
Demon is AWESOME-- Can't believe Roosh beat me to it!
Pinky and Bookie are going up in my office so you can visit them whenever you want. If it makes you feel better, I forgot to bid on like 4 eBay auctions of awesome vintage Halloween and Batman stuff. I snoozed, I loozed. This time I was on the ball. mu-ha-ha-ha.
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