Jared is a good picture-taker. <3>As of this past weekend, I got the hell out of Boston and went to visit my wonderful boyfriend in Maine. We made wontons from scratch, braved giant hills with many heavy grocery bags, swung on swings next to a beach covered in snow, watched the Pagemaster (along with a few other sweet movies), ate a lot of chocolate cheesecake, had a girlfriend-meet-mum-and-dad day, went to an old school toy store, saw the Watchmen with Kori <3 and Eric and Peter, and he surprised me one day by leaving work early and following me around town and scaring me! (I had thought he was a crazy homeless man following me for a second until he made himself known, haha.)

All in all, good times. Here are a couple of pictures documenting my lovely time.
Cake eaters! <3
Wonton Soup!
Handsome devil.
Aside from that, I finished my FIRST FLYER for Modus Lotus!!! I'll post that here tomorrow when I have permission. (I also don't want it to get lost among all these other pictures.) I'm really happy Veronica likes it, especially since it took me so long to get it done! (+3 late jerk points)
I also aquired a lot of things today, especially clothing:
-free waffles for dinner
-6 free scratch tickets (of which two were winners, by not much)
-a 5" x 7" nice portfolio
-a Gelly Roll glitter pen
-3 free Marilyn Manson shirts
-1 $.50 System of a Down shirt
-2 free NIN shirts
-1 free Tool shirt
-a sweatshirt from my mum and another cute shirt
-a free Mindless Self Indulgence sweatshirt
-a free giant Gloomy Bear poseable toy!!!!

I'm so lucky to have friends who work at Hot Topic. :D Thanks Britteny and Ricky!
All in all, life is looking up. The weekend was my saving grace, and I couldn't have had a better time. Now I'm off to finish getting my degree!